[Impression] Sailormoon Crystal – Moon Prism Power, Make Up!

Here we go again! Sailormoon Crystal is the 20th anniversary remake of the famous Sailormoon series. However, if anyone was expecting that this show would bring a new story to the series, then sad to say it doesn’t. The series as shown above, shares a great similarity with the 90’s version of the anime, particularly […]

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[Impression] Jinsei

Let me start with the question I came up while the pre-openning sequence of the program ran. “What am I getting myself into?” Read More

[Impression] Akame ga Kill

Akame ga Kill. Having read the synopsis, I initially thought that this show will have a dark atmosphere right from the beginning. Instead, I was greeted with JRPG-esque beginnings and a bright scenario from the start. Just look at how lively this character is! He is a vanilla shounen character! However, I was soon getting […]

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[Impression] Sabagebu

First impression anime for the summe Add Contact Form r season! Sabagebu! or Survival Game Club sort of rings a bell, right? It feels like a show with a directly similar premise with a previous anime called Stella Jogakuin Kouto-ka C³-bu. Well for the most part, yes, it does have a similar premise, main girl […]

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