[Seasonal Impressions] Spring – New Beginings

I’m supposed to do a weekly impression for a number of shows this spring season of anime shows. However, I can’t proceed to do such because it is final’s month for university. Apologies to people who expect some sort of editorial or weekly recap of shows, I will do my best once May comes along […]

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[Impression] Jinsei

Let me start with the question I came up while the pre-openning sequence of the program ran. “What am I getting myself into?” Read More

[Impression] Akame ga Kill

Akame ga Kill. Having read the synopsis, I initially thought that this show will have a dark atmosphere right from the beginning. Instead, I was greeted with JRPG-esque beginnings and a bright scenario from the start. Just look at how lively this character is! He is a vanilla shounen character! However, I was soon getting […]

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[Impression] Sabagebu

First impression anime for the summe Add Contact Form r season! Sabagebu! or Survival Game Club sort of rings a bell, right? It feels like a show with a directly similar premise with a previous anime called Stella Jogakuin Kouto-ka C³-bu. Well for the most part, yes, it does have a similar premise, main girl […]

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